Perfect body after baby

Understanding Non-Surgical Body Shaping

What is Endospheres® technology?

What are some Benefits of Endospheres® technology?

What can you expect from  Endospheres treatment?

Understanding Non-Surgical Body Shaping

Back in shape after birth with the non-surgical body shaping treatments at SlimLab Zürich. Reduce the volume of fat overall or problem zones with no surgery and no downtime! At SlimLab we use Endospheres® technology to combat stubborn cellulite, firm up sagging skin around the abdomen, and reduce the volume of fat overall – no surgery, no downtime! 

What is Endospheres® technology?

Non-Surgical Body Shaping Solution As we get older, our bodies start to produce less collagen and store more fat, this is what eventually leads to wrinkles, sagging, cellulite and other signs of aging. 

Our Endospheres® Therapy and manual anti cellulite honey massages are naturally boosting the collagen production and are breaking down fat cells. The massage tightens sagging skin, smoothes out cellulite, and makes the body look slimmer and more toned.

What are some Benefits of Endospheres® technology?

  • Comfortable treatments with no downtime
  • Treatments are virtually painless and you can return to your daily schedule immediately afterwards.
  • All out treatments are safe and effective for all skin tones

What can you expect from  Endospheres treatment?

Most patients receive several treatments per area. The exact number will depend on each individual person and the area being treated. Treatments are done twice a week and can be done 6 months after you gave birth. 

Consult with us to find the right program for you!

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